Friday 27 April 2012

ReportsnReports - Personalized Medicine: Companies, Trends and World Market

This broad, high-level report analyzes the expanding Personalized Medicine market.  This world market includes important core medical product areas that will continue to have a powerful impact on current and future healthcare delivery. This business report examines key market segments such as targeted drugs and key personalized medicine diagnostics, including companion diagnostic IVDs, LDTs, diagnostic services and related tools or technologies. 

Many people already know about DNA, genes and the human genome. The science driving personalized medicine includes pharmacogenetics, pharmacoproteomics and pharmacometabalomix. Personalized medicine uses a targeted drug that depends on the patient information identified by a companion diagnostic (genetic biomarker test).  The companion diagnostic identifies which patients would likely benefit from a particular therapy or those who might suffer from a bad side effect. The test information enables doctors to select the drug therapy that would benefit the patient. Drug developers in clinical trials could use a companion diagnostic to select patents that would benefit from a targeted drug.

The report discusses important technologies, including microarray, next-generation sequencing, PCR, bioinformatics, nanotechnology and other platforms. This section highlights key platforms and selected vendors. For example, the field of clinical next generation sequencing is expected to have an impact on personalized medicine. 

Trends in Personalized Medicine

Report Details:
Published: April 2012
No. of Pages: 171
Price: Single User License – US$2895              Corporate User License – US$6995

The report covers subjects including important personalized medicine concepts.  The study discusses key biomarkers, commercial diagnostics and therapeutics that drive personalized medicine.  The study highlights new personalized diagnostics. This research examines the current targeted therapeutics on the market and drugs in the clinical pipeline.  

The report highlights major government regulatory activities that involve personalized medicine in the US and Europe. The US FDA and the European EMA have drafted guidance papers to help drug makers and diagnostic firms develop future targeted therapies guided by companion diagnostics. The recent FDA approvals of Pfizer’s Xalkori for lung cancer and Roche’s Zelboraf for melanoma demonstrate that a surge in new targeted drugs is happening.
This study discusses important personalized medicine topics and provides the reader with key findings.  The report estimates that the world personalized medicine market value will reach multi-billions of dollars in 2012, with a strong double-digit growth rate. This study reviews the activities of 31 companies 

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